Welcome to ZPmed
(Zentrum für Präventivmedizin -
centre for preventive medicine
You are a manufacturer and would like to have a product examined and certified
from a preventive medical point of view? Then request a test at ZPmed
for a
"Confidence Seal" or a "Confidence Seal Premium"
Our aim:
is part of a healthcare network, and we check products from preventive
medical point upon request. ZPmed
performs neither a medical diagnosis nor a
therapy. In case of a positive outcome, the preventive medical confidence seal
"Health product" - recommended by the ‘Centre for preventive medicine"
edited by ZPmed
, is awarded.We want to contribute our share to help reduce
the frequency of chronic diseases among the general population.
Costs: ZPmed
charges for evaluations and handling, as well as for the
use of the seal.
Reasons that speak for the 'confidence seal':
• Awarded only to high-quality products
• The seal cannot be purchased for money
• Certified products are published in the nation-wide network
• For the customer, the seal is an aid to decision-making
„A sign for the future“
Zentrum für Präventivmedizin
Ringstraße 5 - Gebäude 5.3
97270 Kist
Tel. +49 (0)171 862 862 3
© 2024 ZPmed
Dr.med. Herbert Schulze
Facharzt für Orthopädie